FedReporting.com supports many users with varying levels of access from FRS Administrators with full access to Auditors with view only access. User roles also include FRS Supervisors, Administrators, Administrators with Financial Access, and Evaluators.
Yes! FedReporting.com was designed especially for those users that manage multiple sites. The dashboard feature allows the FRS Administrator, Supervisor, and Administrator to view progress towards meeting grant requirements.
All grants including, but not limited to, federal, state, and local or non-profit grants. FedReporting.com allows customizations so that you can manage anything from federal formula funded or non-competitive grants to competitive grants.
FedReporting.com incorporates all aspects of the grant's lifecycle: from the initial application, to evaluation, to scoring and award, and ending with the post award grant management process. The FRS Administrator can create a customized grant application specifically for your organization along with a unique rubric for rating possible awardees.
FedReporting.com allows users with financial information access to create grant budgets and track expenditures by the state's General Ledger code for each budgeted line item. Each transaction can be entered in the system with supporting documentation for all grant expenditures.
The site's independent auditor can view financial grant records in FedReporting.com to streamline the review of all grants received. Federal Programs Coordinators can utilize FedReporting.com to showcase all required grant documentation to external monitors from the State Department of Education, Intermediate Unit, or any other organization.